Our Guiding Core Philosophy:
As members and Fellows of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, ANAND SHENOY & ASSOCIATES, is committed to upholding the high ethical and moral standards of the profession.
We conduct our business in accordance with the following set of core values and ethics – our guiding principles:
  • We will be fair, honest, ethical and truthful in all our dealings.
  • We shall always strive to exceed our clients expectations
  • We will always place the long-term interests of our clients above our own interests.
  • We will maintain strict confidentiality with respect to our client's information.
  • Our reputation and credibility are our most valuable assets and we will always preserve it.
  • We commit to a path of continuous improvement and up gradation of knowledge for the long term benefit of our clients, our people and our firm
  • We are committed to our business not just for making money, but also to make a positive difference and touch the lives of people and organization that come into our contact
It is a constant endeavor at ANAND SHENOY & ASSOCIATES
to exceed Client expectations,
while maintaining our core values and ethics.

We believe that in the long run, these values will only make

our Firm stronger and help us serve Clients successfully
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